
Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Business Cards

Business cards (BC)

- BCs are crucial for your work and contacts!
If you don't have them, get them right now!

- They need to contain the most important info about you and some contacts, they need to be appealing and have a nice graphic - some white space is always good to write on them!!

- Festivals/conferences and other events are very good for BC.
You will need them and you will also collect a lot (sometimes too many).
It's important to write some notes on the BC you get from others, to remember who's this person.
Another good habit is, once you get home (or at the hotel), to get back to all the BCs you collected and re-order them, look for people's Linkedin/websites, maybe call them or write some emails. If you let time goes by, you will be more and  more less likely to do it or, in the worst scenario, you will completely forget about those persons (and viceversa).

See more about follow up in the dedicated post here

- It may sounds obvious, but:
have them with you, always.
Especially in the circumstances when you expect it the least, you may have the elevator pitch of your dreams (see the post: how to pitch)

- It's not expensive to have BCs.
Even if there are some very fancy BCs around, you can also easily get some decent BCs with few money and still looking good.
There're many online websites doing this. But you can also self-make them, if you have some good craft skills. (I did these BCs for my first film, just using a bad bw printer some glue and cardboard, and they even got some compliment/appreciation :O )

Some last notes:
I think businesscards' task is no (more) to give all the info people need, but rather to be eye-catching, cool, interesting, unforgettable, mysterius maybe.
There will be a e-mail adress and perhaps a link to your website on them, and this will be enough for all the real info searching.
The point is not really to inform, but to be remembered and catch the attention; the point is that you don't want the others to throw your BC away, once they get home. You want them to keep your BC. For one reason or another: maybe they're beautiful, useful, interesting, inspiring, unconventional...and your image will be linked to them!

To conclude, maybe for fun:
Some inspirational mood for non-conventional BC

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