
Friday, April 6, 2018

why I love animation

With today's post, I'd like to share with all of you my own personal thoughts about animation and my own approach in this field.
This is meant to be a way for me to reflect about my own path, but hopefully also an useful or interesting point of you for all the readers. 
Some of these thoughts I wrote also for an interview that GARDE MAGAZINE (Hong Kong) made about me and my work (first time something like this happens, I am so honored!)
I've often been referring to myself as a multidisciplinary creative, because sometimes it's hard to give bundaries to my interests and my operating range.

My interests are many and various, I have a very curious and eclectic approach
to life and work, and I love to search for information and connect different
areas of interest. I am interested in documentary, storytelling,
communication's tools, different cultures, languages, migration, people. People
and their stories are for me the greatest source of inspiration.

Moreover, Thanks to my background and attitude, I have good organisational and
planning skills; I feel comfortable and helpful in organizing people's work, and
I would like to build a nice environment for my future, based on good
communication and respect of other people ideas and skills. (and by the way this blog is just another attempt to do so!)

My aim and biggest dream is to produce high quality and useful works,
connecting great people and ideas, and be able to share those good stories and
information to the world.
I often wonder about my motivation: I understood that not only I want to
make films, but I feel like I need to, I have an urge of telling and sharing
meaningful topic and stories, to feel good, to give me a purpose.

Animation is an amazing communication tool, because it truly can talk about serious themes in an efficient way. Animation is appealing, has the ability to synthesize, talks to people in a creative way, touching their feelings through evocative images, is playful and funny, still able to make the audience think about meaningful topics. Animation is not just for kids and actually, as the fairy tales, can be read at different levels, so it can be meant for everyone at the same time. Last but not least, animation plays an important role in communication and information's circulation, since it's very easy to spread an animated message through the Internet.

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