
Thursday, August 23, 2018


di nuovo una mia riflessione
. IL-LIMITATO (exploration/experiments on senses and limits)

Il-limitato” is a project about the self awareness.
About the name:
illimitato = unlimited
il limitato = the limited (person)
The title is, again, about the point of view.
We are used to consider someone with a limit (phisical, mental, temporary, chronic, little, huge) as lacking something. Maybe limits are not what they look like. Or, at least, they can be seen from a different perspective.
I have experimented a lot on the five senses, again challenging myself and trying new perspectives. Blind drawing, blind walking, left-hand drawing, deaf and blind communicartion... etc. The project is a sort of reportage of experiements, aimed at exploring the five senses and the limits, to find some new solutions of communication.

I would like to propose a reflection about limits and their importance. This is based on the belief that when you have a “limit” you actually push yourself forward and find some new reesourches you didn't even suspect you had. Limits can be the motivation to find unexpecteded energy and resources. They bring out the best in someone, an unforseen talent, an hidden solution.
I think this is also a great attidute to become more open minded and flexible. To change point of view, experiemnt and be more aware of inner and outside world. I noticed as most people are not very open to play and try new perceptions and perspectives, unless on drugs.

The experiment itself and its documentary research would be the result I aimed. I don't want or need a final report or conclusion.
I imagined it in a mixed techniques, putting together live action and animation, to convey sensations and feelings and add some extra scenes, when needed.
References: “Le sens du toucher” by Jean-Charles Mbotti Malolo, and “Notes on blindness” by James Spinney and Peter Middleton screened at Clermont Ferrand 2015

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