
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Artistic residencies

An artistic residency is  a place that welcomes artists for fixed period (usually 1 month-12 months) to develope or produce their work.
There is usually an open call and the artists should apply, telling about themselves and their project.
There is one deadline per year and in some rare cases more than one!
There are residencies for development, for writing, and for production.

Artistic resindencies are a good opportunity to work on a personal project, without being worried about "how to survive" (rent, bills, etc).
They also offer a creative environment and a "social committment" (a little bit of good pressure) to get make thinks done.

Some residencies are totally free and the artist gets a workspace and accomodation and in some cases also a salary.
In some other residencies some expenses are covered by the artist himself.
It's also pretty common that the artist gives in exchange regular updates of his progression and/or shows his work during the stay. Of course resindecies also get some space in the film/work's credits. is a website to find residencies in the world (not only for animation).

I will list some of the most famous residencies I know for animation:

Open Workshop (Viborg, The Animation Workshop)

Anidox-Lab and Anidox Residency (Lab and residency for developing and producing animated documentaries - Viborg)
CICLIC  (animation residency, France)

Fontevraud (residency for writing - France)
Maison des Auteures, Angouleme, France

Atelier l’Enclume, Brussels, Belgium
Media Arts Creators Residency, Tokyo, Japan

update: interesting link for more residencies

Stay tuned: my plan is to have some dedicated posts about different artistic residencies and "interview"  some friends who did, or are still doing their residencies in one of those places.

Check the "artisticresidency" tag for this.


- Think about what do you need for your project development
How much time?
How much space?
What kind of material/technology?
How much money?

- Consider if you're ready to go everywhere or if there are some favourite countries (consider the distance, consider the language..)

- SEARCH begins!
Read well all the Open Calls
Make a list of the residencies you find that may suit you and write down the most important info about them: deadline, duration, money, material required for the application...

- Decide where to apply

- Prepare the material for your application (description, images, motivation letter, CV, reel... everything that is required);

- Be sure to have read well all the information about the residency before applying or asking many questions per e-mail;

- Send your applications: send to every residency the material they require and tell them why you really want to go in that place rather than another;

- if you get accepted: CONGRATULATION!
being well organized is crucial to get the best from a residency experience!
Make a production plan and stick to it during your stay!
Start your residency adventure full of energy and enthusiasm, you'll do great!

Good luck with your resindency research and projects!

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