
Wednesday, November 22, 2017

event report: ANIMATEKA Festival Ljubliana

ANIMATEKA is an amazing animation festival in Ljubliana!

One year after my first experience there, I will tell you something about this festival and my impressions from the 2016 edition, just in time for the next one, which is happening soon!!

Ljubliana is the capital city of Slovenia, a very nice and quite place, that doesn't look like a big, crowded city. The festival is tiny and concentrated, which is always a great thing in my opinion because this keeps people together and allows better social interactions.
There were two main theatres and one also hosted a bar, essential for any networking moment, before, after or during the screenings.
In this case it was also crucial to have indoor venues, because the weather in december is always pretty chilly.

As hosted directors, we were staying in a youth hostel, in the city centre and very close to all the festival venues.
It was a pleasure to walk down the streets, in the squares or along the river, illuminated by the xmas lights.
The festival is well organized, with a nice relaxed schedule, which allows to meet people, other hosts, to chat and try some local cuisine.

I felt very welcome in Ljubliana and I met very nice people and new friends, that hopefully I will meet again and again in other animation events.
The organization and the staff were also very warm and kind and I am grateful for the chance they gave me to be there. Igor Prassel is the director of the festival and a key figure for Animateka: he is an incredible person, very energetic and friendly, very helpful and caring with all of us. Grazie, Igor!
I hope to come back to Animateka soon!

During last year's edition of the festival there was also a very interesting exposition about Joni Männistö and his work. He did in fact the artwork for the 2016's edition of Animateka and a lot of material from his previous work was shown there.

Festivals are great places for interviews too and Animateka is doing an amazing job here. There are Q&A sessions after the screenings and also recordered interviews for their Youtube channel.
Animateka is also very active on social media, updating FB page with info, pictures and videos.

This can be a great chance for you guys to have some nice pictures and memories of the festival, so be ready for it!
Remember that festivals are always a perfect chance to meet other talented directors and artists!

In 2016 we were both there with our short film MERLOT. In 2017 our graduation film was there again in the Italian programm.
Here you can see an (embarassing) interview we had at Animateka last year:

Animateka will happen soon again (4-10th december 2017)!

Note for my fellows coming from Turin/Milan: I have been travelling to Ljubliana with Flixbus (Torino-Ljubliana), which was a good experience and totally "doable!"

The pictures I used for this post are coming from my own personal pics and from Animateka's FB page

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