
Sunday, June 4, 2017


After a festival or networking event, if you did a good job, you have your pokets full of BCs and you found some very interesting contacts for your business.

And if you did even a better job you have some notes behind your collected cards and you remember who is who and you know what they're interested in and what kind of material you should send them.

it is good to do this as soon as possible (
it's called FOLLOW UP!

The weekend right after the event is the perfect moment.

- Go through all the contacts you have, sort them, divide into types, maybe relevance, urgency and importance...

- Prepare your material you need to send in attachment.

- Prepare a default e-mail BUT be sure to costumize it for everyone, it needs to be personal. Add some reference of a talk you had, some topic you discussed, their will make your e-mail more personal and you'll remind the other person who you are.

Of course it depends on the level of closeness and professionality you have/you want to show, but common points (w different tones) for a follow-up e-mail could be:

Hello NAME, it was a pleasure to meet you at EVENT .

I hope you got home safe/you had a nice trip back home(reminder) A sentence to remind the person who you are
(it was a pleasure to meet you and talk to you about.../it was nice to share with you..../ I am very glad you are interested in ...)

I'd lke to collaborate.../ thanks for the offer.../ as I promise, I send you in attachment...
LINKS and attachments: not too much!


don't hesitate to contact me if you need any other further information or more material...
I'd like you to keep me in mind for future projects/collaborations
All the best with your work and talk to you soon

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